Dear Colleagues,
I will be at NCTM and SREE conferences. If you will be at these conferences as well, please come and say hello.
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
Session 1: The Do’s and Don’ts of Adapting Math Curriculum to Meet Your Students’ Needs
Thu, 9/26: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Sarah Johnson , Teaching Lab
Kayatanya K Henderson , Reconstruction.US, INC- CEO/Co-Founder
Min Sun , University of Washington
High-quality math curriculum is a powerful tool for improving student learning. The best teachers adapt curriculum to meet diverse students while maintaining rigor. But adapting math curriculum with rigor requires practice and intentionality. You already know your students’ needs, and in this session, we’ll build on that competence with evidence-based and AI-enabled practices for adapting content to help teachers and students get the most out of the curriculum.
Session 2: Using AI to Build High-Quality and Inclusive Lesson Plans
Thu, 9/26: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Drew Nucci , WestEd
Rodney Perez , University of Washington
Min Sun , University of Washington
*Alex Liu", University of Washington
We present a research-supported K–12 mathematics lesson planning an AI engine constructed through expert coding of a thousand lesson plans. The AI platform facilitates standard-specific lesson plans that include high cognitive demand problems, engaging learning experiences, conceptual questions, and structures for promoting student discourse. The platform also provides planning for emergent multilingual students and students with disabilities.
SREE (Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness)
Session 1: Defining the Efficacy of Education Technology Products: From Prototyping to Scaling Up
Sept 19, 2024 3:30-5pm
Jessica Korf, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Alexandra Resch, Institute for Education Sciences, Min Sun, University of Washington, April Murphy, Carnegie Learning and Jake Winfield, Detroit Public Schools Community District
Session 2: Providing Teachers with Quality, Relevant, and Useful Mathematical Lesson Materials Using a Domain-Specific Retrieval-Augmented Generation System
Sept 19., 2024 12:30pm - 2pm.
Min Sun 1, Shawon Sarkar1, Alex Liu1 and Kevin He2, (1)University of Washington, (2)Hensun Innovation LLC