Welcome to Colleague.ai Community! ๐Ÿ‘‹

We are so glad you joined us.

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing youโ€™d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

:globe_with_meridians: What to know before posting a new question:

  1. Search the Community for similar topicsโ€“the question might have been discussed before.
  2. If the question relates account issues (e.g., billing and login issues), please contact us through info@colleague.ai
  3. Please DO NOT SHARE personal information (email, credit card, etc) or account related details publicly.
  4. Please be kind and helpful in conversations!

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in Site Feedback or contact the admins.